Although there is still so much we do not know about autism, we have come so far and people continue to do research. Every person diagnosed with autism is so different which makes it difficult to find commonalities in causes. Dr. Stephen Shore, a professor with autism, says, "When you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism." As soon as one thinks they know how to accommodate for children with autism, they meet someone with autism who surprises them or responds differently than expected. This is why it's extremely important to keep an open mind and stay patient when interacting with someone on the spectrum.
Although people only began diagnosing autism more frequently in the late 20th century, "history is full of people who many consider to be on or have been somewhere on the autism spectrum," ("History's 30 Most..."). People such as Susan Boyle, Temple Grandin, and Albert Einstein all struggle(d) with symptoms autism but they use(d) their strengths to make music, improve animal sciences, and create scientific theories.
Susan Boyle became an influential character in the autism world when she publicly announced her diagnosis of ASD. She performed on Britain's Got Talent and ended up selling more than 14 million albums. Boyle is a testament of living life to the fullest despite struggling with social interaction and various other factors that come along with autism.
Temple Grandin who didn't start speaking until the age of 4, went on to become an author and college professor. She also designed special facilities for cattle that have become extremely popular throughout the United States. Various articles have been written about Temple Grandin and there was even a movie made about her life. Grandin is another example of having high functioning autism and not letting it stop her from making an impact on the world.
Although we can't be 100% sure that Albert Einstein was on the spectrum, many medical professionals believe he could have been diagnosed due to social interaction struggles, speech delays, and habits of repeating phrases to himself, (“History's 30 Most..."). He created many technical scientific theories that made an incredible impact on physics and scientific philosophy.
There are an incredible amount of people with autism who thrive and contribute to society in so many unique ways. Autism does NOT inhibit someone from having a full life, and having a diagnosis does not define someone's worth. We must go beyond labels and realize that people are more than their diagnoses. Everyone is special in their own way and everyone is capable of making a difference and leaving a mark on our world.
Work Cited:
“History's 30 Most Inspiring People on the Autism Spectrum.” Applied Behavior Analysis Programs Guide,